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Whether or not we’re at risk of dementia and memory loss, most of us would love to have improved brain health and better cognition. Recent research supports a clear connection between nutrition and brain health. Although they’re not a substitute for proper medical care, certain foods and food supplements may help to boost memory and help delay cognitive decline.
When choosing vitamins for brain health and memory, you should look to food-based sources as well as tablets. A balanced diet, high in plant-based foods and including a moderate amount of healthy fats, is the best source for vitamins. Sometimes, though, supplementation can be beneficial.
Vitamin B
Some of the essential vitamins for brain health are the B vitamins, particularly B6 and B12. These can be hard to get from foods, especially if you are older or have digestive issues.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant found in nuts, seeds, dark-colored fruits, and some vegetables. It’s imperative for your overall health and has been implicated in memory and cognition. Actual deficiencies are rare, although they can occur if you’re on a very low-fat diet. You can quickly boost your vitamin E intake by increasing the amount of nuts and seeds in your diet, consuming more dark fruits such as blueberries, and making sure you get enough healthy fat.
As well as vitamins, other nutritional supplements may be helpful for memory and cognition. These include various minerals, fatty acids, and substances such as probiotics.
If you’re struggling with memory and cognition problems, it’s imperative to seek medical advice. Some conditions benefit from early intervention; getting the right diagnosis and treatment can improve your situation dramatically.
Vitamins are available through our injections program. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of vitamins and other injections for general health, click the button!