On the Job Injury


What to do after you have been injured on the job.

In the event that an accident happens on the job, did you know that you may qualify for accident care from your employer? Common employment accidents could include injuries such as a herniated disc in your back from lifting heavy objects, an accidental slip and fall, anxiety related conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome and/or constant nagging back pain from slouching over a computer all day.



If the unfortunate situation of you being hurt on the job occurs, it is important that you immediately seek treatment to address the acute nature of the injury so no further damage occurs. An aggravated condition could in turn create more pain. When you seek treatment from one of our Access Injury & Primary Care physicians, we can aid your relief and in addition, help lessen the presence of scar tissue. The miraculous nature of the body proves that it is never past the point from healing. Whether the accident happened recently or a long time ago, our team is here to help.


Our Access Injury & Primary Care staff has more than 30 years of experience treating all kinds of conditions. Our initial approach starts with information gathering and analytical interpretation to properly diagnose the injury. Next, we will make a custom treatment plan that addresses your particular situation and recovery needs. Our objective with each patient is to remove the pain, as well as correct the harmed area and prevent further damage. Some examples of our treatment could include massage therapy, exercise strengthening, decompression and repeated physical activities to quicken the recuperation process.


Take care of your on the job injury first

Book a Comprehensive Evaluation Today

Call (407) 447-2273 or
Request an Appointment online

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