
Due to the sudden stop, your neck snaps forward and backward at a fast pace. Even a slow-moving vehicle can cause a whiplash injury because of the sudden loss of momentum. If you are involved in an auto accident, our Central Florida area Access Injury & Primary Care team are here to find solutions for long-term recovery.


Whiplash refers to a specific type of neck injury that occurs when your head moves suddenly forward and backward. It causes a strain or a sprain in the muscles of your neck, which results in pain and discomfort.

In general, a whiplash injury heals over time if you take precautions to allow the muscles to recover; however, you must follow appropriate steps to encourage healing and prevent long-term injuries. If you do not treat the injury appropriately, it can lead to chronic neck pain and long-term discomfort.

Common signs of whiplash include:

  • Pain in your neck
  • Tight neck muscles or stiffness
  • Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Tenderness
  • Headaches, particularly near the base of your skull

Identifying a neck injury
after an auto accident –

When you get into an accident, you do not always notice the injury immediately. Whiplash symptoms do not always occur immediately after the injury. In some cases, it takes as long as 24 hours before you see any symptoms.

When the symptoms develop, seek treatment with an appropriate professional. Our team evaluates your situation and the severity of your injury before making any recommendations for a treatment plan. We also make sure that you understand appropriate steps to take to encourage healing after you leave our office so that your injury does not worsen over time.


Making an appointment with a qualified physician can aid in a proper recovery.

Treating a Whiplash Injury

Appropriate treatment for whiplash depends on the severity of your injury and the situation. We offer neck realignment and chiropractic treatments that help improve your mobility and ensure that you do not put extra pressure on the muscles of your neck.

We also offer acupuncture treatments as an alternative pain relief solution that helps reduce your need for addictive medications.

Our team will always work together with you to determine the severity of your pain and injury before we determine appropriate measures for your recovery goals. Because we have experience working with patients that have been involved in an auto accident, you can rely on The Access Injury & Primary Care team to properly assist you. We have the tools to help with the recovery goals and your healing process.

Whiplash is a common injury after an auto accident, but it can also easily be overlooked! Since the symptoms do not always show up immediately, you can assume that the headache or pain stems from a different source. Do not ignore your symptoms … instead, seek professional assistanc

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